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Efficiency You Can See


The first disposable continuous cuff pressure regulator, with built-in
precision pressure gauge. Cuffix automatically adjusts cuff ballon
pressure to keep it stable at the desired safe range.

Cuffix - The first and only economical, self-contained, disposable cuff pressure monitor and stabilizer for mechanically ventilated patients. It continuously monitors and regulates the cuff pressure and lights an alarm if it is unable to maintain the correct pressure. It requires practically no attention from the nurses after fast and simple initial setup, except from response to alarm indication.


The result:
No tracheal injuries, much lower risk of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) and vastly reduced load on ICU staff, especially so these days with ICU facilities and personnel stretched to their limits.


The need

Cuff balloon pressure must be kept within the safe range of 20-30 cmH20:


  • Below 20cmH20 - at low pressure, secretion leaks increase the risk of VAP.

  • Above 30cmH20 - at high pressure, tissue ischemia leads to a tracheal injury.


Pressure fluctuations increase the risk for VAP and for tracheal injury.

A cuff pressure reading must be taken during every ICU shift.

Robert J Hoffman, et al., Experienced emergency medicine physicians cannot safely inflate or estimate endotracheal tube cuff pressure using standard techniques, The American Journal of Emergency Medicine AJEM, 2005

The need

The challenge

Common pressure reading requires an external manometer to be attached and removed, taking time and disturbing cuff pressure.

Pressure fluctuations outside of the safe range go undetected for extended periods.

Other disposable pressure regulators do not provide a pressure reading .

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The challenge

The solution


Download instructions

Continuous cuff pressure reading and regulation

Light indicator for distance assessment


10 days operation


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The solution

The result

No tracheal injuries


Much lower risk of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) and vastly reduced load on ICU staff, especially so these days with ICU facilities and personnel stretched to their limits.

The result

Pressure shift with changing patient position

Pressure [cm H2O]







Unregulated cuff

Regulated cuff

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Get Cuffix at your local distributor now!

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